Catch up with me over here!
Blog, Blogger, Bloggest
Edward Cullen
I must say, I think I'm in love with a vampire. It's only a book, I know, but I can totally see how these tween girls get all ooey and gooey over him!!! (and by tween I mean every women in the Universe!)
I'm in the last book, about half way through, and cannot wait to finish it. I will be devastated when its over. The past four days have been simply dedicated to reading all the books then what?
Anyhoodle, I love Edward. Sorry, Aaron!
I'm in the last book, about half way through, and cannot wait to finish it. I will be devastated when its over. The past four days have been simply dedicated to reading all the books then what?
Anyhoodle, I love Edward. Sorry, Aaron!
So sorry for that last blog entry. (Or am I?) Either way, today is a new day and I feel 120% better than I did yesterday! I was all sorts of crazy......Eeek!
Also, Happy Birthday, Mom!! LOVE YOU AND MISS YOU!!!!
Also, Happy Birthday, Mom!! LOVE YOU AND MISS YOU!!!!
Everybody wants to feel wanted so when they don't, it can totally ruin a day/week/year. I sometimes think, " Ok, its me. It's totally me. I did something wrong that I deserve this." So then I step back and see a pattern. Nobody gets excited to see me. Nobody misses me. Nobody comes over. It scares me. I know I've pulled away socially over the past 4-5 years and I'm trying to stop that. But seriously, unless its a big party, (wedding, Friendsgiving) I can't get anyone here (at MY place) to just hang out. This sounds so pitiful and I cannot believe I am blogging this, but its all true.
I just miss the old me.
I just miss the old me.
Cervical Dysplasia
So there we have it. I have a high level of Cervical Dysplasia. Just heard back from the doctors office. It generally comes from HPV, but that has never been brought up in any doctors office I've ever been in. So I'm not sure if that's where it came from. But mainly, its pre-cancerous cells. I have a LEEP procedure on October 1st where they will remove some of my cervix in hopes to get rid of the abnormal area. From there, its a pap smear every 2-3 months to monitor everything so it doesn't develop into cancer. This is, clearly, the short version of this all ......
Had my doctors appointment yesterday......OUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Its like taking your worst cramps ever times a million! I was expecting some mild cramping (which I'm use to), but nothing like this!
I go into the office and there is this huge microscope sitting next to a chair. (Kind of reminded me of Wall-E). The chair has pads all over it, as if it was going to catch bodily fluids. Gross. Anyhoodle, Dr. McComis repeats the pap smear and then all of a sudden her assistant, Candice, is bombing me with questions. At first I was thinking, " Wow, this lady really wants to know a lot about me! " Then I realize that she's trying to keep my attention off of Dr. McComis as she's taking samples of my insides!!! I start to sweat. It was painful. Very painful. The cramping that came along with it is almost unbearable. Its awful.
Anyway, I asked McComis if she saw anything wrong in there, and she said that there were a few spots that she took biopsies from. She proceeded to tell me that if it is precancerous, I will need to have check ups every 3 months. WHAT!? Can't we just wait to get results back? Me thinks so.
So, now I have to let my insides heal for two weeks. (Aaron doesn't not like that.) I should know the results by next Wednesday.
*crosses fingers*
I go into the office and there is this huge microscope sitting next to a chair. (Kind of reminded me of Wall-E). The chair has pads all over it, as if it was going to catch bodily fluids. Gross. Anyhoodle, Dr. McComis repeats the pap smear and then all of a sudden her assistant, Candice, is bombing me with questions. At first I was thinking, " Wow, this lady really wants to know a lot about me! " Then I realize that she's trying to keep my attention off of Dr. McComis as she's taking samples of my insides!!! I start to sweat. It was painful. Very painful. The cramping that came along with it is almost unbearable. Its awful.
Anyway, I asked McComis if she saw anything wrong in there, and she said that there were a few spots that she took biopsies from. She proceeded to tell me that if it is precancerous, I will need to have check ups every 3 months. WHAT!? Can't we just wait to get results back? Me thinks so.
So, now I have to let my insides heal for two weeks. (Aaron doesn't not like that.) I should know the results by next Wednesday.
*crosses fingers*
Welcome back!
Hello, readers! Long time no blog! Hope all is well with you and yours. (I think that's a strange statement..."you and yours".) Only a couple weeks left of "summer". BUMMER. Not that we really had summer anyway ...but its shocking looking at status updates on Facebook reading, " One week left before school..." Oi.
A recap of this past weekend. It was awesome. It was seriously just a fun, relaxing weekend with friends/family. Andrea, Tony, and myself headed to Naperville on Friday night to meet with Lori and Scoot (who came from Chicago). The ride down was pretty uneventful, thankfully. We didn't run into much traffic at all, which is surprising. But once we arrived, we headed to the grocery store to get snacks and beer before Lori and Scoot arrived. Watched some Family Guy and got acquainted with Scoot's 5 cats. FIVE!!!!!!!!!!
Scoot and Lori arrived about an hour later and we were all pretty set to go out. We ended up going downtown Naperville (which is totally cute!) and pretty much just went to two bars. Lots of drinking/singing ensued and before we knew it, it was time to go home.
We get back to Scoot's condo and apparently I was on a mission to get pizza. But, that isn't easily attainable in Naperville. 459 calls and an hour and a half later, we had a $37 pizza delivered. Disgustingly overpriced.
We wake up about 5 hours later and head to MKE. Lori, Tony, and I had a healthy cooking class to attend. It really wasn't what I thought it was going to be, but it was very interesting and surprisingly relaxing. The smells in the room where amazing! Our teacher showed us how to make Chicken Piccatta, a Salmon dish, and a thin crust pizza. I will put the recipes at the bottom of the blog.
After the class, we went to Hooligans to have some lunch. It was a bit cold (WHAT!? IT'S AUGUST!!) But actually nice to be chilly instead of sweltering. After some run ins with a couple hungry bees and inevitably LeeAnn, we headed back to Tony's to take a nap. Much. Needed.
After a two hour nap, it was back to game mode! We head around the corner from Tony's to Cafe Hollander. There, we ordered some appetizers and waited for Tivis and Beaky to show up! A couple Grimmbergens later and 1 or 2 shots, it was time to head home. Again, ordering pizza. I swear, I ate so much pizza this weekend and I'm not even a huge fan of it.
All of the food from this weekend was disgustingly bad for me, but it was so worth it. I knew heading into this weekend that I was going to just let go and get whatever I wanted, as Boot Camp started up again today!
Anyhoodle, Aaron and I stay over at Tony's on Saturday night and headed home on Sunday morning. From there, we just sat around for a bit, Aaron took a nap, and I had a nutrition seminar to go to. If the seminar wasn't free with my boot camp, I wouldn't have gone. There was really no new information....but there is a thing called EPOC that I found very interesting!
After the seminar, I came home to pick up Aaron and we went over to Kathie's. We had some dinner over there and just sat around and talked. Nothing special, but its definitely one of my favorite things to do on a Sunny Sunday!!
From there, I went to the grocery store. I had to pick up two items and while going past the medicine section, I stopped to check out Stop Smoking aids. I was just doing some research and checking out the price options for the patch vs. gum. Gum is way cheaper...but from what I hear, disgusting. I continue to the check-out sans anything for anti-smoking. Half way to the check out lane, I double back. I was thinking, "if I'm going to be starting boot camp again, that will probably help with any weight gain that I will have and it will just make boot camp easier if I'm not smoking". So I did it. I got the patch. Totally impromptu! I feel good about the decision, as I've been wanting to quit for awhile....but we're talking years and years of smoking!! I don't know if you have seen those commericals for quitting smoking, but I literally won't know what to do in the car or right after I eat! I'm so scared that I will mess up and let people down! (as I just got an email from Andrea saying that her friend from work will give me a prize if I quit for 6 months!) Ack!
Today was the start of boot camp again. Ashley, my trainer, is so very hardcore. She just got done running a 200 mile run relay in the Cities area this weekend. (WHAT!!!!????) But anyway, I don't remember the first day of boot camp being this hard last time. I suppose we are all, but one, return boot campers. I think she figures since we've done it before, we can do it again...but harder. We did our introductions like we did last time (Name and our boot camp goal), but Ashely made me tell everyone that I quit smoking so that they would give me support!! I thought that was so awesome!!! Its hard (as I want one right now...) but this too shall pass.
Well, that's all for now. Doctors appointment on Wednesday (ack!!!). Nervous about that, but will post how that goes.
Hope everyone enjoys the rest of their fall summer!!
And the recipes:
Recipes to Help You Build Muscle and
Burn Fat!
Naomi’s Chicken Piccatta
3-4 oz. of boneless chicken breasts, thinly sliced or pounded down
1/8 cup of ground almond meal (other nut meal may be substituted)
Salt to taste
1 tbsp Italian seasonings
Non-stick cooking spray
1 fresh lemon or 3 tbsp of pure lemon juice
1 cup of white cooking wine
2 tbsp of jarred capers with juice
3 sprigs of parsley
Optional: Pat of butter or 2 tsp of heavy whipping cream for more texture
Line a baking sheet with non-stick spray and preheat the oven at 325 degrees.
Take ground almond meal, salt, and Italian seasonings, and blend together with
fingers in a flat plate. Using a fork, pick up a piece of chicken and lay one side at
a time on top of the almond meal mixture, until it is mostly covered. Place the
chicken onto the baking sheet and repeat until all your chicken is coated. Place
baking sheet in the oven.
Note: Instead of baking, you can use a small amount of olive oil or olive oil spray
to coat a pan and pan-fry the cutlets. Only add small amounts of oil if the pan
dries. Just make sure the heat is just below medium. This ensures that the
chicken cooks through without burning the breading.
For the sauce, place small pan over medium heat. Once the pan is hot, spoon
the capers making sure to use as much of the juice as possible. Place them into
the pan. Pour the white wine into the pan and stir. Finally cut the lemon in half,
pit it, and squeeze one half of the lemon into the mixture or pour the 3 tbsp of
pure lemon juice. Stir until little bubbles form and then place on very low heat to
keep warm.
Once the chicken is golden on one side, flip it over and let the other side cook for
an additional 5 minutes or until the other side has browned. Remove the chicken
from the oven or pan and place into the sauce. Serve by placing the chicken on a
plate and pouring the remaining sauce on top. For an extra kick, you can grate
and sprinkle a little lemon zest and parsley on top of the dish. You may garnish
by slicing the other lemon half and/or by using a few sprigs of parsley.
Garlicky Asparagus
About 10 fresh asparagus stalks, hard bottoms cut off
2-3 Cloves of crushed garlic
2 tsp of extra virgin olive oil
Salt to taste
Heat olive oil in a pan over medium or medium-high heat. Once oil is warm (you
can tell when the consistency is much more fluid) add the garlic. Let the garlic
brown and crackle. You will smell the aroma and see a golden brown color when
the garlic is ready. Make sure not to burn the garlic or the asparagus will taste
very smoky.
Throw in the asparagus and cook for just a few minutes until it is warm and the
green color begins to pop. Sprinkle with a little salt to taste and serve with the
Chicken Picatta.
Pamela’s Version of Florio’s Salmon
Florios is a famous Italian Restaurant in Little Italy, NYC. BJ and I went with
some friends and we unanimously agreed that they had the best salmon around.
Our friend, Pamela put this together:
12 ripe Roma Tomatos or 1 Jar of No Sugar Added Tomato Sauce
1 bag of frozen chopped Spinach
1 cup pitted Kalamata Olives
Capers to taste
2-3 Cloves of Garlic
Olive Oil
4-8 oz. of Salmon Filets
Boil the Roma Tomatoes, just as the water starts to roll, drain and let them cool
a little bit. Peel the skin off the tomatoes. Dice half of the tomatoes, quarter the
other half, disguard the the stem part. Place in frying pan on low heat, lightly
drizzle with olive oil. Add Kalamata Olives, garlic and Capers. Let simmer for
about 2-3 hours, stir occasionally.
For those who want to cut down the cooking time significantly, you may use a
no-sugar added tomato sauce and add the olives and capers to it. Allow that
mixture to simmer for about 10 minutes.
While the sauce is simmering, you can throw the frozen spinach in a fry pan over
medium heat and allow it to thaw and cook. Once the spinach is cooked, transfer
¾ of the contents of the sauce into the pan of spinach. Place the heat on low
and allow it to simmer.
For 4-6oz Salmon fillets...
Lightly coat the pan with olive oil or non-stick cooking spray. Cook for about 4-5
minutes on each side in frying pan on medium heat or until the outside is a nice
golden brown and the salmon has a nice flaky texture.
Once cooked remove from the pan, cover the salmon in the remaining tomato
sauce. Serve spinach on the side.
Naomi’s Yummy Thin Crust Pizza
2 tortillas (Aim for one with 4 or more grams of fiber per tortilla)
Cherry tomatoes OR marinara sauce
Diced grilled chicken
Oregano, salt, black pepper, Italian spices
Mozzarella cheese
¼ cup Diced peppers and onions
1 cup of spinach
Preheat oven on broil to 375 degrees. Dice raw chicken into small pieces
about 1-1 ½ inches in length. Heat a skillet at medium heat and line with fat free
non-stick spray. While the chicken is grilling add salt, oregano, black pepper and
Italian spices to taste.
While the chicken is grilling line the tortillas with spray butter and 2-3 T of
sauce. (If you are using the cherry tomatoes, roast those lightly for a few
minutes until they brown and then add to the pizza) Keep the layer thin so the
pizza will not get soggy. Divide the spinach evenly between the tortillas.
While the chicken is finishing up, add the peppers and onions and mix a
few times for the next 2-3 minutes. Next, divide the chicken evenly on each of
the tortillas, and top evenly with the cheese.
Place in the oven on a baking sheet or pizza pan and broil until brown and
curled on the edges. Enjoy! Feel free to experiment with other types of cheese
and veggies.
A recap of this past weekend. It was awesome. It was seriously just a fun, relaxing weekend with friends/family. Andrea, Tony, and myself headed to Naperville on Friday night to meet with Lori and Scoot (who came from Chicago). The ride down was pretty uneventful, thankfully. We didn't run into much traffic at all, which is surprising. But once we arrived, we headed to the grocery store to get snacks and beer before Lori and Scoot arrived. Watched some Family Guy and got acquainted with Scoot's 5 cats. FIVE!!!!!!!!!!
Scoot and Lori arrived about an hour later and we were all pretty set to go out. We ended up going downtown Naperville (which is totally cute!) and pretty much just went to two bars. Lots of drinking/singing ensued and before we knew it, it was time to go home.
We get back to Scoot's condo and apparently I was on a mission to get pizza. But, that isn't easily attainable in Naperville. 459 calls and an hour and a half later, we had a $37 pizza delivered. Disgustingly overpriced.
We wake up about 5 hours later and head to MKE. Lori, Tony, and I had a healthy cooking class to attend. It really wasn't what I thought it was going to be, but it was very interesting and surprisingly relaxing. The smells in the room where amazing! Our teacher showed us how to make Chicken Piccatta, a Salmon dish, and a thin crust pizza. I will put the recipes at the bottom of the blog.
After the class, we went to Hooligans to have some lunch. It was a bit cold (WHAT!? IT'S AUGUST!!) But actually nice to be chilly instead of sweltering. After some run ins with a couple hungry bees and inevitably LeeAnn, we headed back to Tony's to take a nap. Much. Needed.
After a two hour nap, it was back to game mode! We head around the corner from Tony's to Cafe Hollander. There, we ordered some appetizers and waited for Tivis and Beaky to show up! A couple Grimmbergens later and 1 or 2 shots, it was time to head home. Again, ordering pizza. I swear, I ate so much pizza this weekend and I'm not even a huge fan of it.
All of the food from this weekend was disgustingly bad for me, but it was so worth it. I knew heading into this weekend that I was going to just let go and get whatever I wanted, as Boot Camp started up again today!
Anyhoodle, Aaron and I stay over at Tony's on Saturday night and headed home on Sunday morning. From there, we just sat around for a bit, Aaron took a nap, and I had a nutrition seminar to go to. If the seminar wasn't free with my boot camp, I wouldn't have gone. There was really no new information....but there is a thing called EPOC that I found very interesting!
After the seminar, I came home to pick up Aaron and we went over to Kathie's. We had some dinner over there and just sat around and talked. Nothing special, but its definitely one of my favorite things to do on a Sunny Sunday!!
From there, I went to the grocery store. I had to pick up two items and while going past the medicine section, I stopped to check out Stop Smoking aids. I was just doing some research and checking out the price options for the patch vs. gum. Gum is way cheaper...but from what I hear, disgusting. I continue to the check-out sans anything for anti-smoking. Half way to the check out lane, I double back. I was thinking, "if I'm going to be starting boot camp again, that will probably help with any weight gain that I will have and it will just make boot camp easier if I'm not smoking". So I did it. I got the patch. Totally impromptu! I feel good about the decision, as I've been wanting to quit for awhile....but we're talking years and years of smoking!! I don't know if you have seen those commericals for quitting smoking, but I literally won't know what to do in the car or right after I eat! I'm so scared that I will mess up and let people down! (as I just got an email from Andrea saying that her friend from work will give me a prize if I quit for 6 months!) Ack!
Today was the start of boot camp again. Ashley, my trainer, is so very hardcore. She just got done running a 200 mile run relay in the Cities area this weekend. (WHAT!!!!????) But anyway, I don't remember the first day of boot camp being this hard last time. I suppose we are all, but one, return boot campers. I think she figures since we've done it before, we can do it again...but harder. We did our introductions like we did last time (Name and our boot camp goal), but Ashely made me tell everyone that I quit smoking so that they would give me support!! I thought that was so awesome!!! Its hard (as I want one right now...) but this too shall pass.
Well, that's all for now. Doctors appointment on Wednesday (ack!!!). Nervous about that, but will post how that goes.
Hope everyone enjoys the rest of their
And the recipes:
Recipes to Help You Build Muscle and
Burn Fat!
Naomi’s Chicken Piccatta
3-4 oz. of boneless chicken breasts, thinly sliced or pounded down
1/8 cup of ground almond meal (other nut meal may be substituted)
Salt to taste
1 tbsp Italian seasonings
Non-stick cooking spray
1 fresh lemon or 3 tbsp of pure lemon juice
1 cup of white cooking wine
2 tbsp of jarred capers with juice
3 sprigs of parsley
Optional: Pat of butter or 2 tsp of heavy whipping cream for more texture
Line a baking sheet with non-stick spray and preheat the oven at 325 degrees.
Take ground almond meal, salt, and Italian seasonings, and blend together with
fingers in a flat plate. Using a fork, pick up a piece of chicken and lay one side at
a time on top of the almond meal mixture, until it is mostly covered. Place the
chicken onto the baking sheet and repeat until all your chicken is coated. Place
baking sheet in the oven.
Note: Instead of baking, you can use a small amount of olive oil or olive oil spray
to coat a pan and pan-fry the cutlets. Only add small amounts of oil if the pan
dries. Just make sure the heat is just below medium. This ensures that the
chicken cooks through without burning the breading.
For the sauce, place small pan over medium heat. Once the pan is hot, spoon
the capers making sure to use as much of the juice as possible. Place them into
the pan. Pour the white wine into the pan and stir. Finally cut the lemon in half,
pit it, and squeeze one half of the lemon into the mixture or pour the 3 tbsp of
pure lemon juice. Stir until little bubbles form and then place on very low heat to
keep warm.
Once the chicken is golden on one side, flip it over and let the other side cook for
an additional 5 minutes or until the other side has browned. Remove the chicken
from the oven or pan and place into the sauce. Serve by placing the chicken on a
plate and pouring the remaining sauce on top. For an extra kick, you can grate
and sprinkle a little lemon zest and parsley on top of the dish. You may garnish
by slicing the other lemon half and/or by using a few sprigs of parsley.
Garlicky Asparagus
About 10 fresh asparagus stalks, hard bottoms cut off
2-3 Cloves of crushed garlic
2 tsp of extra virgin olive oil
Salt to taste
Heat olive oil in a pan over medium or medium-high heat. Once oil is warm (you
can tell when the consistency is much more fluid) add the garlic. Let the garlic
brown and crackle. You will smell the aroma and see a golden brown color when
the garlic is ready. Make sure not to burn the garlic or the asparagus will taste
very smoky.
Throw in the asparagus and cook for just a few minutes until it is warm and the
green color begins to pop. Sprinkle with a little salt to taste and serve with the
Chicken Picatta.
Pamela’s Version of Florio’s Salmon
Florios is a famous Italian Restaurant in Little Italy, NYC. BJ and I went with
some friends and we unanimously agreed that they had the best salmon around.
Our friend, Pamela put this together:
12 ripe Roma Tomatos or 1 Jar of No Sugar Added Tomato Sauce
1 bag of frozen chopped Spinach
1 cup pitted Kalamata Olives
Capers to taste
2-3 Cloves of Garlic
Olive Oil
4-8 oz. of Salmon Filets
Boil the Roma Tomatoes, just as the water starts to roll, drain and let them cool
a little bit. Peel the skin off the tomatoes. Dice half of the tomatoes, quarter the
other half, disguard the the stem part. Place in frying pan on low heat, lightly
drizzle with olive oil. Add Kalamata Olives, garlic and Capers. Let simmer for
about 2-3 hours, stir occasionally.
For those who want to cut down the cooking time significantly, you may use a
no-sugar added tomato sauce and add the olives and capers to it. Allow that
mixture to simmer for about 10 minutes.
While the sauce is simmering, you can throw the frozen spinach in a fry pan over
medium heat and allow it to thaw and cook. Once the spinach is cooked, transfer
¾ of the contents of the sauce into the pan of spinach. Place the heat on low
and allow it to simmer.
For 4-6oz Salmon fillets...
Lightly coat the pan with olive oil or non-stick cooking spray. Cook for about 4-5
minutes on each side in frying pan on medium heat or until the outside is a nice
golden brown and the salmon has a nice flaky texture.
Once cooked remove from the pan, cover the salmon in the remaining tomato
sauce. Serve spinach on the side.
Naomi’s Yummy Thin Crust Pizza
2 tortillas (Aim for one with 4 or more grams of fiber per tortilla)
Cherry tomatoes OR marinara sauce
Diced grilled chicken
Oregano, salt, black pepper, Italian spices
Mozzarella cheese
¼ cup Diced peppers and onions
1 cup of spinach
Preheat oven on broil to 375 degrees. Dice raw chicken into small pieces
about 1-1 ½ inches in length. Heat a skillet at medium heat and line with fat free
non-stick spray. While the chicken is grilling add salt, oregano, black pepper and
Italian spices to taste.
While the chicken is grilling line the tortillas with spray butter and 2-3 T of
sauce. (If you are using the cherry tomatoes, roast those lightly for a few
minutes until they brown and then add to the pizza) Keep the layer thin so the
pizza will not get soggy. Divide the spinach evenly between the tortillas.
While the chicken is finishing up, add the peppers and onions and mix a
few times for the next 2-3 minutes. Next, divide the chicken evenly on each of
the tortillas, and top evenly with the cheese.
Place in the oven on a baking sheet or pizza pan and broil until brown and
curled on the edges. Enjoy! Feel free to experiment with other types of cheese
and veggies.
IBS. Really? I have IBS?! I guess that makes sense? The Doctor said I have classic signs. I will be starting a medication tomorrow and, hopefully, that will do the trick. I will go back and see her in a month to see how its working. I really like the ProHealth system here in Waukesha. They are very prompt. I finally don't feel like I'm getting pushed around and I feel like they are actually listening to me. Phew!
Another update with the health issue. I received a call yesterday about the results of my pap smear last week. Apparently I had an abnormal pap. (That has never happened before!) I'm a bit scared, but I can imagine that most every woman has had an abnormal pap smear before....right? So, they will be putting vinegar in my hoo-haa and taking a microscope to it...blah blah blah. I really kind of stopped listening to what she was saying as I was thinking, " Vinegar, eh? Will this be Apple Cider Vinegar? Can I then cook with my hoo-haa? I like Apple Cider. Apples. Fall is coming. I love the fall. Fall is my favorite because its the season of jackets and boots and finally getting....." Then she asked me if August 26th would be ok for this procedure. Yes. Yes it would be. What are you going to be doing again?
Currently have a chest cold. Not fun. Its knocked me out for the past two days. I've gone to work and everything, but I get home and go straight to bed. I didn't sleep well last night, either. Woke up about every two hours. Annoying.
Let's see....what else is new? Actually, I think that might be it for now.
*sneeze* Frick!
Another update with the health issue. I received a call yesterday about the results of my pap smear last week. Apparently I had an abnormal pap. (That has never happened before!) I'm a bit scared, but I can imagine that most every woman has had an abnormal pap smear before....right? So, they will be putting vinegar in my hoo-haa and taking a microscope to it...blah blah blah. I really kind of stopped listening to what she was saying as I was thinking, " Vinegar, eh? Will this be Apple Cider Vinegar? Can I then cook with my hoo-haa? I like Apple Cider. Apples. Fall is coming. I love the fall. Fall is my favorite because its the season of jackets and boots and finally getting....." Then she asked me if August 26th would be ok for this procedure. Yes. Yes it would be. What are you going to be doing again?
Currently have a chest cold. Not fun. Its knocked me out for the past two days. I've gone to work and everything, but I get home and go straight to bed. I didn't sleep well last night, either. Woke up about every two hours. Annoying.
Let's see....what else is new? Actually, I think that might be it for now.
*sneeze* Frick!
Me love you long time...
Whoops!! Totally forgot I had a blog!! I was thinking last night, " There is something missing from my general "rounds" on the Internet. " It was the blog section of my routine that had gone missing. I feel bad like I've let someone down, but really, I don't think anyone cares. Ha!
Well, let's see. Seemingly lots to update about. Lets start with less fun stuff and go into a bit more exciting things. (And by exciting, I mean that I may or may not have found a quarter the other morning.)
Health update: MRI was clear (Woohoo!!). I don't think I had posted that, but it was tumor-free! The next step my doctor wanted me to do was to get a urinary test done. They literally stuck a catheter in me and filled my bladder with two different solutions. One of them is a placebo, and the other one is laced with some kind of protein. If I had anything wrong with my bladder, that protein would react with my bladder and sting horribly. Thank GOODNESS I didn't have anything wrong there. Phew. But lets step it back a couple steps for a minute. The nurse couldn't get the catheter in me right away. So I was literally being poked and felt up by the nurse for 10 minutes. Finally she called another Nurse into the room and used a different catheter. Leaving the office that day, I thanked them both for going to fourth base with me. Oy.
Since nothing was wrong with my bladder, I am now going to see a GI doctor on Thursday. Not quite sure what test they are going to do just yet. It will either be a colonoscopy or the test where they go down the throat. Gross. Knock me out for whichever one she chooses!!
Moving on....I think I am going to be changing my diet. While I am on low-carb, I seem to regulate and have about half the pain I normally do. I'm curious with the connection between the two. I've spoken with my doctor about the connection but really can't remember her answer (go figure). Anyway, I am meeting with my bosses wife downtown Milwaukee today, as she works for Whole Foods Market and is in charge of the Gluten Free section. She will be letting me know more about where to start, what to get, how she lives (as she has Celiacs Disease...intolerant to Gluten and Wheat). So I'm pretty excited about that today!
I just realized I have to get going!!!! I need to meet Autumn in about a half hour! Whoops! More later!
Well, let's see. Seemingly lots to update about. Lets start with less fun stuff and go into a bit more exciting things. (And by exciting, I mean that I may or may not have found a quarter the other morning.)
Health update: MRI was clear (Woohoo!!). I don't think I had posted that, but it was tumor-free! The next step my doctor wanted me to do was to get a urinary test done. They literally stuck a catheter in me and filled my bladder with two different solutions. One of them is a placebo, and the other one is laced with some kind of protein. If I had anything wrong with my bladder, that protein would react with my bladder and sting horribly. Thank GOODNESS I didn't have anything wrong there. Phew. But lets step it back a couple steps for a minute. The nurse couldn't get the catheter in me right away. So I was literally being poked and felt up by the nurse for 10 minutes. Finally she called another Nurse into the room and used a different catheter. Leaving the office that day, I thanked them both for going to fourth base with me. Oy.
Since nothing was wrong with my bladder, I am now going to see a GI doctor on Thursday. Not quite sure what test they are going to do just yet. It will either be a colonoscopy or the test where they go down the throat. Gross. Knock me out for whichever one she chooses!!
Moving on....I think I am going to be changing my diet. While I am on low-carb, I seem to regulate and have about half the pain I normally do. I'm curious with the connection between the two. I've spoken with my doctor about the connection but really can't remember her answer (go figure). Anyway, I am meeting with my bosses wife downtown Milwaukee today, as she works for Whole Foods Market and is in charge of the Gluten Free section. She will be letting me know more about where to start, what to get, how she lives (as she has Celiacs Disease...intolerant to Gluten and Wheat). So I'm pretty excited about that today!
I just realized I have to get going!!!! I need to meet Autumn in about a half hour! Whoops! More later!
Today's boot camp was.......HARD. Thursdays are field trip days so we went to Nagawaukee park (those of you who read this, and were at our rehearsal dinner, may remember this park). We sprinted up hills today, did lunges up hills, did crab walks up hills... You name it, we did it. It was definitely hard today! But tomorrow is our last day and I am both sad and happy. The only reason I want to celebrate being done with it is for the simple fact of sleeping in! This chica doesn't do well getting up at 7:30am. But, I think another lady and I are going to meet and still work out when boot camp is over. So I've got that to look forward to!
Today is the day for the MRI. I am a bit nervous. I really don't know what to expect, as I've never had one. I am meeting over at Kathie's and she will drive me over there. Strangely enough, the place where I am getting my MRI is in a strip mall. What the!? Is this a shady operation? Should I be scared if there are 15 white vans lined up outside with men trying to sell candy out of their vans? Meh, we'll see.
Anyhoodle, I have to get ready now. And tend to my (I think) sick cat. =( I just don't think she's feeling well lately. =( =( =(
Today is the day for the MRI. I am a bit nervous. I really don't know what to expect, as I've never had one. I am meeting over at Kathie's and she will drive me over there. Strangely enough, the place where I am getting my MRI is in a strip mall. What the!? Is this a shady operation? Should I be scared if there are 15 white vans lined up outside with men trying to sell candy out of their vans? Meh, we'll see.
Anyhoodle, I have to get ready now. And tend to my (I think) sick cat. =( I just don't think she's feeling well lately. =( =( =(
Let's see...
Just heard back from the doctor. Oi. My prolactin levels were down, but still really high. My doctor wants me to go in for an MRI. What they'd be looking for is a tumor on my pituitary gland. I'm not sure exactly what will be done if they do find one, but here's hoping there isn't one!!
I'm a tad scared.
I'm a tad scared.
Still waiting...
No word yet from the Doctor on my test results. I called this morning and the nurse said she would let her know that I was waiting!
No boot camp for me today. I was seriously drained from a long weekend of drinking and golfing. There was a mini family reunion mixed in there as we all met in Portage to see my Uncle's Band play! It was a really great time seeing everyone and listening to the band!
Golfing on Sunday was brutal. Waking up after only four hours of sleep and going golfing in the hot sun took a toll on me. We went with a co-worker of mine and his girlfriend. I played awfully (hole numbers 2-14). I was getting super frustrated and just needed to concentrate on my swing and trying to not miss the ball! Ugh. It was bad. But hopefully we can go again and straigthen that out!
The doctors office called back on Friday. I was unable to return their call until today. Everything was fine with my ultra sound and pap smear, but they are concerned about my Prolactin levels in my blood. She said they were very high and tomorrow morning I am going in to get another blood test done with that.
Apparently prolactin is a hormone produced by the pituitary gland. Mostly women who are breast feeding produce this, which is why women cannot get pregnant who are breast feeding because it stops ovulation. (or something like that). And since I am not pregnant and have not been, it generally causes lack of period and infertility. Ugh. I read something somewhere about women with high prolactin levels generally have a small (benign) tumor(s) on their pituitary gland. Double ugh. There are some drugs out there to take to shrink it or resume it back to normal function, but those have awful side effects.
Anyhoodle, I will (I think) know tomorrow about my levels as I am getting them tested again. From there, they can tell me what needs to be done so that I can resume to normalcy.
YAY! Something is being done!!!! 6 years!
Golfing on Sunday was brutal. Waking up after only four hours of sleep and going golfing in the hot sun took a toll on me. We went with a co-worker of mine and his girlfriend. I played awfully (hole numbers 2-14). I was getting super frustrated and just needed to concentrate on my swing and trying to not miss the ball! Ugh. It was bad. But hopefully we can go again and straigthen that out!
The doctors office called back on Friday. I was unable to return their call until today. Everything was fine with my ultra sound and pap smear, but they are concerned about my Prolactin levels in my blood. She said they were very high and tomorrow morning I am going in to get another blood test done with that.
Apparently prolactin is a hormone produced by the pituitary gland. Mostly women who are breast feeding produce this, which is why women cannot get pregnant who are breast feeding because it stops ovulation. (or something like that). And since I am not pregnant and have not been, it generally causes lack of period and infertility. Ugh. I read something somewhere about women with high prolactin levels generally have a small (benign) tumor(s) on their pituitary gland. Double ugh. There are some drugs out there to take to shrink it or resume it back to normal function, but those have awful side effects.
Anyhoodle, I will (I think) know tomorrow about my levels as I am getting them tested again. From there, they can tell me what needs to be done so that I can resume to normalcy.
YAY! Something is being done!!!! 6 years!
Sweaty eyes
HOLY MOSTACOLLI! Its a HOT one out there. Today was a brutal day. We stayed as much as we could in the shade, but sometimes, it just wasn't possible.
We started off by doing circuits around the parking lot. We ran around the parking lot and once we got to a certain tree, we had to do curb push ups, or tricep dips. This took up about 15 minutes (which doesn't seem long until you're doing it). From there, we went to the trees. From here, we each had a partner and while one of us was doing tree sits (wall sits), the other would have to run to a picnic table and do some various (hard!) workout there. Once they were done they would run back to us and we would have to go do the same thing. We did this about 6 times. LOTS of leg work. Lots. The tree sits got harder and harder as we went on, too. First it was just a normal tree
sit. Then, we would do curls with our weights while sitting there. Then Ashley told us to hold our weights out in front of us while sitting. Ugh. Meanwhile, I don't think I've sweat so much in my life. It was literally dripping into my eyes! It was pretty awesome.
We finished with our usual ab work out. The work outs have been getting seemingly shorter, but I think its because I am enjoying it more and more. Ashley will all of a sudden say, " Come on, girls! We only have 10 minutes left!" I am amazed every time she says that!
I weighed myself today. I have gained 5 pounds. Five!!! I thought the old saying of, " Muscle weighs more than fat " was debunked. Perhaps it isn't. I know I shouldn't worry about what the scale says or anything, but when you have a goal weight in mind, its heartbreaking to know you're going the opposite way on the scale. Question to all you workout buffs: Does this happen? Will I just continue to gain weight while losing fat? Or will I eventually be 145lbs and lean?
For now, I am going to try and get ahold of my friend Nick to go hit some golf balls. I don't like coming home and sitting around. That should get me out (in the HOT HOT HOT sun!) but somewhat active.
We started off by doing circuits around the parking lot. We ran around the parking lot and once we got to a certain tree, we had to do curb push ups, or tricep dips. This took up about 15 minutes (which doesn't seem long until you're doing it). From there, we went to the trees. From here, we each had a partner and while one of us was doing tree sits (wall sits), the other would have to run to a picnic table and do some various (hard!) workout there. Once they were done they would run back to us and we would have to go do the same thing. We did this about 6 times. LOTS of leg work. Lots. The tree sits got harder and harder as we went on, too. First it was just a normal tree
sit. Then, we would do curls with our weights while sitting there. Then Ashley told us to hold our weights out in front of us while sitting. Ugh. Meanwhile, I don't think I've sweat so much in my life. It was literally dripping into my eyes! It was pretty awesome.
We finished with our usual ab work out. The work outs have been getting seemingly shorter, but I think its because I am enjoying it more and more. Ashley will all of a sudden say, " Come on, girls! We only have 10 minutes left!" I am amazed every time she says that!
I weighed myself today. I have gained 5 pounds. Five!!! I thought the old saying of, " Muscle weighs more than fat " was debunked. Perhaps it isn't. I know I shouldn't worry about what the scale says or anything, but when you have a goal weight in mind, its heartbreaking to know you're going the opposite way on the scale. Question to all you workout buffs: Does this happen? Will I just continue to gain weight while losing fat? Or will I eventually be 145lbs and lean?
For now, I am going to try and get ahold of my friend Nick to go hit some golf balls. I don't like coming home and sitting around. That should get me out (in the HOT HOT HOT sun!) but somewhat active.
Chicago and Week Two, Day One
This weekend was a blast! Becky and Tivis wanted to go to Chicago to spend the weekend there for their anniversary weekend. They asked us if we wanted to come and it was totes obvi that we did! (haha!)
Andrea, Aaron and myself caught the 5:45 train out of Milwaukee. We should have gotten to Chicago around 7:15 but that wasn't the case. We were stuck in delays from almost the moment we got on there. First it was a signal out which was most likely from all the storms happening around us. Then there was a tree on the tracks. And finally, there was flooding. So we didn't get into Chicago until around 8:30. We met Scott there and he took us to the bar there as Aaron and I waited to catch another train to Oak Lawn, which was where our hotel was.
Friday night we just hung out at the hotel bar, grabbed some pizza, and headed upstairs to bed. It was a long day and could barely keep my eyes open!!
Onto Saturday. Saturday was SO.MUCH.FUN. I was in a bit of a funk for awhile there....Not quite sure if it was the traffic from Oak Lawn to Chicago or if it was the simple fact that I had not eaten breakfast that was making my head foggy. I just hate being late and when traveling with other people, it's hard to keep them on track.
We arrived to Union Station where Lori (YAY!) and Andrea were waiting for us...patiently (or maybe not so). We were all pretty hangry at that point and decided to get some food. ASAP. We ate at Elephant and Castle which was very tasty!
From there, Becky and Tivis went to the Shedd Aquarium and etc...while Andrea, Aaron and I walk to Millennium Park with Lori. We just walked around there for awhile, sat in the shade, and watched as one hundred, or so, people dressed as Pokemon characters filed to the Bean. Interesting.

From there, we dropped Andrea off at Union Station and off Lori, Aaron and I went to Printers Row to sit outside and drink some cheap beers. It was a fantastic afternoon of just sitting outside, talking, catching up...etc....Awesome.
Slowly, our group of three turned into 8 people by the end of the night. Should have been 9 (Tim), but whatevski. And 7 hours later (perhaps more?) we were done drinking and needed to head home. The sun and beer and walking around REALLY takes a lot out of a person! Wowsa!
Sunday was the basic travel day. Nothing major. Came home, took a quick nap, got some food and pretty much went to bed! Great way to unwind from a great weekend!
Today was pretty brutal. The sun was out and beating down on us. We did, again, a lot of running so trying to stay dry is never really an option. Ashley set up a cone way off into a soccer field that after we were done doing works outs that targeted certain areas, we had to run out to and back. But, on the way back, there were also other cones set up that we had to stop at and do the exercises printed on them. 50 jumping jacks, 30 Nordic Track Moves, 20 Jump and Squats. So. hot. I've been done for an hour with boot camp and my shirt is STILL wet!!!
I can already tell I am much stronger. I know I'm working out harder already, but it just doesn't feel as tough as it did on Monday. All of a sudden during our workout she yells out, " Alright...we have ten minutes left...really push it! " ....WHAT!? Just ten minutes left? I was thinking we were about 1/4 done with the work out! Perhaps I'm just enjoying it more?
Ashley handed out registration forms for a 5k on July 11Th. You can just volunteer or actually run it. Not sure what I'm going to be doing just yet....but if anyone who reads this is interested in doing it with me, let me know. Its a $25 registration fee. Of course you get a t-shirt at the end ....but there is also food! YAY!
Well, that's all she wrote for now. I need to get some laundry in before work tonight. Busy, busy week ahead. From Wednesday through the end of the weekend, we are booked at the hotel. It'll be busy, but hopefully worth it ($$$$).
More on Wednesday! Taking tomorrow off!
Andrea, Aaron and myself caught the 5:45 train out of Milwaukee. We should have gotten to Chicago around 7:15 but that wasn't the case. We were stuck in delays from almost the moment we got on there. First it was a signal out which was most likely from all the storms happening around us. Then there was a tree on the tracks. And finally, there was flooding. So we didn't get into Chicago until around 8:30. We met Scott there and he took us to the bar there as Aaron and I waited to catch another train to Oak Lawn, which was where our hotel was.
Friday night we just hung out at the hotel bar, grabbed some pizza, and headed upstairs to bed. It was a long day and could barely keep my eyes open!!
Onto Saturday. Saturday was SO.MUCH.FUN. I was in a bit of a funk for awhile there....Not quite sure if it was the traffic from Oak Lawn to Chicago or if it was the simple fact that I had not eaten breakfast that was making my head foggy. I just hate being late and when traveling with other people, it's hard to keep them on track.
We arrived to Union Station where Lori (YAY!) and Andrea were waiting for us...patiently (or maybe not so). We were all pretty hangry at that point and decided to get some food. ASAP. We ate at Elephant and Castle which was very tasty!
From there, Becky and Tivis went to the Shedd Aquarium and etc...while Andrea, Aaron and I walk to Millennium Park with Lori. We just walked around there for awhile, sat in the shade, and watched as one hundred, or so, people dressed as Pokemon characters filed to the Bean. Interesting.

From there, we dropped Andrea off at Union Station and off Lori, Aaron and I went to Printers Row to sit outside and drink some cheap beers. It was a fantastic afternoon of just sitting outside, talking, catching up...etc....Awesome.
Slowly, our group of three turned into 8 people by the end of the night. Should have been 9 (Tim), but whatevski. And 7 hours later (perhaps more?) we were done drinking and needed to head home. The sun and beer and walking around REALLY takes a lot out of a person! Wowsa!
Sunday was the basic travel day. Nothing major. Came home, took a quick nap, got some food and pretty much went to bed! Great way to unwind from a great weekend!
Today was pretty brutal. The sun was out and beating down on us. We did, again, a lot of running so trying to stay dry is never really an option. Ashley set up a cone way off into a soccer field that after we were done doing works outs that targeted certain areas, we had to run out to and back. But, on the way back, there were also other cones set up that we had to stop at and do the exercises printed on them. 50 jumping jacks, 30 Nordic Track Moves, 20 Jump and Squats. So. hot. I've been done for an hour with boot camp and my shirt is STILL wet!!!
I can already tell I am much stronger. I know I'm working out harder already, but it just doesn't feel as tough as it did on Monday. All of a sudden during our workout she yells out, " Alright...we have ten minutes left...really push it! " ....WHAT!? Just ten minutes left? I was thinking we were about 1/4 done with the work out! Perhaps I'm just enjoying it more?
Ashley handed out registration forms for a 5k on July 11Th. You can just volunteer or actually run it. Not sure what I'm going to be doing just yet....but if anyone who reads this is interested in doing it with me, let me know. Its a $25 registration fee. Of course you get a t-shirt at the end ....but there is also food! YAY!
Well, that's all she wrote for now. I need to get some laundry in before work tonight. Busy, busy week ahead. From Wednesday through the end of the weekend, we are booked at the hotel. It'll be busy, but hopefully worth it ($$$$).
More on Wednesday! Taking tomorrow off!
The rain held off for the class this morning! It was, and still is, pretty muggy. Last nights' storms left a lot of people, including us, without power. I was pretty nervous that my phone would die and I wouldn't hear my alarm. Good thing I can no longer sleep past 7am.......!!
Today was the mile run, push ups, and sit up test. I wasn't good, I wasn't bad. I was pretty much right down the middle. I ran the mile in 11:40 (Awful time!) and did 25 sit ups and 19 push ups in a minute. Ashley swears that we will not have the same times at the end of the four weeks. I believe her. I am already feeling stronger!
After the tests we did a lot of work outs with our weights. She took us over to picnic tables where we proceeded to get our butts kicked. Stepping up on the seats with weights, push ups off of the bench parts. It was killer!
We did more with lunges and modifying how we use the weights. We are incorporating a lot of movements we were taught earlier this week with weights....which is making it harder and harder.
I guess from there we went into ab work outs and we were pretty much done. Doing the testing took up a half the work out so it felt a little short! But I'm ready for a day off and Monday to come again!
Ashley told us they have bundles we can buy. You get $50 off your package if you buy the boot camps in bundles. So if I buy a 3 month membership to the boot camp, it's at a discount rate. There are two weeks in between boot camps and one of those weeks you'd also, because you bought the package, get one-on-one training with Doug (the owner of Peak Performance) for a week. Almost seems worth it. I'll simmer on that for awhile.
Anyhoodle, off to Chicago for the weekend! I'm SO HUNGRY for crepes! I've been talking them up to Aaron so its a must!
Also, I go in for an ultra sound of my pelvic area today (not for babies, Andrea.) I'm trying to get to the bottom of my pelvic pain and I found a doctor who is going to do whatever it takes. AMEN!!
*hears thunder again* Ack!
Today was the mile run, push ups, and sit up test. I wasn't good, I wasn't bad. I was pretty much right down the middle. I ran the mile in 11:40 (Awful time!) and did 25 sit ups and 19 push ups in a minute. Ashley swears that we will not have the same times at the end of the four weeks. I believe her. I am already feeling stronger!
After the tests we did a lot of work outs with our weights. She took us over to picnic tables where we proceeded to get our butts kicked. Stepping up on the seats with weights, push ups off of the bench parts. It was killer!
We did more with lunges and modifying how we use the weights. We are incorporating a lot of movements we were taught earlier this week with weights....which is making it harder and harder.
I guess from there we went into ab work outs and we were pretty much done. Doing the testing took up a half the work out so it felt a little short! But I'm ready for a day off and Monday to come again!
Ashley told us they have bundles we can buy. You get $50 off your package if you buy the boot camps in bundles. So if I buy a 3 month membership to the boot camp, it's at a discount rate. There are two weeks in between boot camps and one of those weeks you'd also, because you bought the package, get one-on-one training with Doug (the owner of Peak Performance) for a week. Almost seems worth it. I'll simmer on that for awhile.
Anyhoodle, off to Chicago for the weekend! I'm SO HUNGRY for crepes! I've been talking them up to Aaron so its a must!
Also, I go in for an ultra sound of my pelvic area today (not for babies, Andrea.) I'm trying to get to the bottom of my pelvic pain and I found a doctor who is going to do whatever it takes. AMEN!!
*hears thunder again* Ack!
Field Trip Day
Today we had a smaller class. Boot campers can pick either 3, 4, or 5 days. I picked 4 (always average, I am) so majority of the girls were not there, as most picked 3 days. It was really nice having that small of a class. Apparently the night class has 40 women in it!!!!!! 40!!!! I couldn't imagine that!
Today was pretty rough. Thursdays are field trip days so we met at a park in Hartland. Nice park. Easy to get to. It was cloudy and it looked like it was on the verge of raining as we all arrived ....but BAM! Sunny. Beautiful. HOT...right as we started our workout. We started today doing walking lunges, kick lunges, and any other kind of lunge you can think of. We also had to do a work out called "Suicide". That right there should have clued me in. It involved sprinting one at a time to 5 different sets of cones spaced apart from each other vertically (all out sprint..not a faster jog) and then jogging back. Never stopping, we were instructed to do 25 sit ups after each jog back....or 25 push ups, or walking lunges. Crazy!!!! We did that twice.
We were near a baseball field so we had to jog over to the dug out area and do triceps dips on the benches as well as push ups off of them....meanwhile, the sun is BEATING down on us. I've never, EVER, sweat so much. It was AWESOME. Anyhoodle, we then were instructed to sprint to first base, do a set of squats....side shuffle to second and do push ups there....side shuffle to third base and then monster walk home with our elbows on our knees. HARD. Hard hard hard!
After that, we went back to our mats to "cool" down in the shade with v-sit ups and bicycle crunches. Once those were completed, it was off to the trail. There was a little bridge that we had to do more triceps dips on, hop across as if both feet were tied together, and on the other side do 25 jumping jacks. After that was completed, it was time for a run in the woods. It was actually a really nice run because the ground was real soft. But of course, it wasn't just a walk in the park! She had us running backwards at one point and at the end of the trail there was a hill. It was pretty steep and of course, she said, "Once you get to the top, 25 push ups! " Ugh. By this time I was actually feeling dizzy.
We make it back to the bridge and she has us do the same routine again on the bridge. We finish there and it was back to our mats in the shade to do more ab work. Once we finished with that, it was a quick jog over to a different baseball diamond where she has us do wall sits against the fence. Another base to base circuit and we are off to run around the entire area of the field!!
By this time we are all pooped!! We jog over to our mats and we are in the home stretch! Its a bit more ab work outs and stretching and we're done!
While today was hard and during the workouts I have to continually tell myself, " You signed up for this. This is what you want. This is what you NEED. You love this! " I actually really do enjoy it. There are some fantastic women in the group who are funny (one who thinks I'm a that always draws out more lolz from me) and are very encouraging. Its going to be a fun three weeks ahead!
Tomorrow is the mile run test and sit up and push up tests. Wish me luck!!
Today was pretty rough. Thursdays are field trip days so we met at a park in Hartland. Nice park. Easy to get to. It was cloudy and it looked like it was on the verge of raining as we all arrived ....but BAM! Sunny. Beautiful. HOT...right as we started our workout. We started today doing walking lunges, kick lunges, and any other kind of lunge you can think of. We also had to do a work out called "Suicide". That right there should have clued me in. It involved sprinting one at a time to 5 different sets of cones spaced apart from each other vertically (all out sprint..not a faster jog) and then jogging back. Never stopping, we were instructed to do 25 sit ups after each jog back....or 25 push ups, or walking lunges. Crazy!!!! We did that twice.
We were near a baseball field so we had to jog over to the dug out area and do triceps dips on the benches as well as push ups off of them....meanwhile, the sun is BEATING down on us. I've never, EVER, sweat so much. It was AWESOME. Anyhoodle, we then were instructed to sprint to first base, do a set of squats....side shuffle to second and do push ups there....side shuffle to third base and then monster walk home with our elbows on our knees. HARD. Hard hard hard!
After that, we went back to our mats to "cool" down in the shade with v-sit ups and bicycle crunches. Once those were completed, it was off to the trail. There was a little bridge that we had to do more triceps dips on, hop across as if both feet were tied together, and on the other side do 25 jumping jacks. After that was completed, it was time for a run in the woods. It was actually a really nice run because the ground was real soft. But of course, it wasn't just a walk in the park! She had us running backwards at one point and at the end of the trail there was a hill. It was pretty steep and of course, she said, "Once you get to the top, 25 push ups! " Ugh. By this time I was actually feeling dizzy.
We make it back to the bridge and she has us do the same routine again on the bridge. We finish there and it was back to our mats in the shade to do more ab work. Once we finished with that, it was a quick jog over to a different baseball diamond where she has us do wall sits against the fence. Another base to base circuit and we are off to run around the entire area of the field!!
By this time we are all pooped!! We jog over to our mats and we are in the home stretch! Its a bit more ab work outs and stretching and we're done!
While today was hard and during the workouts I have to continually tell myself, " You signed up for this. This is what you want. This is what you NEED. You love this! " I actually really do enjoy it. There are some fantastic women in the group who are funny (one who thinks I'm a that always draws out more lolz from me) and are very encouraging. Its going to be a fun three weeks ahead!
Tomorrow is the mile run test and sit up and push up tests. Wish me luck!!
Boot Camp
We did it!! We got married! I'm sure everyone who reads this blog already knows that .... but its still fun to say we're married! Doesn't feel any differently than dating. Aaron just wears a wedding ring now. But, according to Waukesha County, we are legally bound! Yahooo!!!!
I wouldn't have changed a single thing about that day; The weather, the people....nothing. It was the most amazing 12 second day of my life (or so it felt like that, anyway)!
But on to new things. I was sitting here at the computer about a week ago thinking, " Alright....I'm married now. That doesn't mean I get to "relax" and get fat. " So I was just looking online for any kind of "Boot Camp" that I could find that was in the area. I ran across a Hartland Boot Camp. I was looking up all the info on the page and, what I thought, was just requesting more information. Turns out, I registered myself. It was the best mistake I've made! All of a sudden I'm doing it. I'm really registered for class....and I'm doing it by myself, FOR myself.
The class started on Monday. I didn't really know what I was in for. I showed up late (!!!!!!) because I couldn't find the school. Thank GOD I have Andrea at my disposal because she looked up the number to call so I could get there. But I show up and they are under way. There are about 15 of us in the class (all women). Some have done it before, mostly we're all new. We started off the day taking turns doing the obstacle course (think stations). And while that one person is doing the stations of jumping jacks, jumping over things, etc....the rest of us are doing lunges, ab work, arm workouts. We all took turns and we each did the little course twice. There isn't a time where we are standing still!!
I woke up yesterday and I couldn't walk. I am still not able to really sit down on the toilet without some assistance of something near me. But the work out today (which involved a lot more running) didn't make my legs hurt. They were sore when I got there today and when I left...but during was no problem! Weird how that turns out. But today consisted of more circuit training. It involved more running, more movement all over. We still worked on our legs and upper body, though. Its only an hour long class (4 days a week!) but I have a feeling I'm going to see some awesome results!
Tomorrow I go in for a weigh-in and get measured before class. They want to get our numbers this week so that by the end of the 4th week they can chart our results! I'm not so nervous to weigh in ...but the measuring its going to make me want to throw up, I think! *crosses fingers*
Well, I must shower. I haven't showered yet and I'm pretty stinky. I was drenched in sweat today and am smelling a bit epic.
Will write more on this as I go!!
I wouldn't have changed a single thing about that day; The weather, the people....nothing. It was the most amazing 12 second day of my life (or so it felt like that, anyway)!
But on to new things. I was sitting here at the computer about a week ago thinking, " Alright....I'm married now. That doesn't mean I get to "relax" and get fat. " So I was just looking online for any kind of "Boot Camp" that I could find that was in the area. I ran across a Hartland Boot Camp. I was looking up all the info on the page and, what I thought, was just requesting more information. Turns out, I registered myself. It was the best mistake I've made! All of a sudden I'm doing it. I'm really registered for class....and I'm doing it by myself, FOR myself.
The class started on Monday. I didn't really know what I was in for. I showed up late (!!!!!!) because I couldn't find the school. Thank GOD I have Andrea at my disposal because she looked up the number to call so I could get there. But I show up and they are under way. There are about 15 of us in the class (all women). Some have done it before, mostly we're all new. We started off the day taking turns doing the obstacle course (think stations). And while that one person is doing the stations of jumping jacks, jumping over things, etc....the rest of us are doing lunges, ab work, arm workouts. We all took turns and we each did the little course twice. There isn't a time where we are standing still!!
I woke up yesterday and I couldn't walk. I am still not able to really sit down on the toilet without some assistance of something near me. But the work out today (which involved a lot more running) didn't make my legs hurt. They were sore when I got there today and when I left...but during was no problem! Weird how that turns out. But today consisted of more circuit training. It involved more running, more movement all over. We still worked on our legs and upper body, though. Its only an hour long class (4 days a week!) but I have a feeling I'm going to see some awesome results!
Tomorrow I go in for a weigh-in and get measured before class. They want to get our numbers this week so that by the end of the 4th week they can chart our results! I'm not so nervous to weigh in ...but the measuring its going to make me want to throw up, I think! *crosses fingers*
Well, I must shower. I haven't showered yet and I'm pretty stinky. I was drenched in sweat today and am smelling a bit epic.
Will write more on this as I go!!
Less than a week!!!
OH MY!!!!!!!! Less than a week!!! (!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
Sometimes I just don't know what to do. If I could step back and say to her, " That's keep your money. You don't have to pay for the wedding anymore. Thank you for the offer. " I would TOTALLY do that just so I/Andrea do not have to hear about "problems" anymore. If I want to have cheddar whipped mashed potatoes at my wedding, for f**k's sake, I'm having cheddar whipped potatoes. She has an awful way of turning things into HUGE ordeals and I start stressing about it. For example:
I sent out invitations to make cakes. They went to people who I really care about and its just a really neat idea. Well, I sent one to my Aunt Diane. Kathie was over doing Yoga at Aunt Di's and one thing lead to another and they were talking about the cakes. Aunt Di had just said casually, " I am not going to be creative with it....its not going to be fancy. " Which, coming from Aunt Di, I expect. She once tried to make a chocolate cake and used Miracle Whip....I wish I was kidding. But anyhoodle, so Kathie tells Andrea later that day, " Diane is just very upset that she has to make a cake. She can't handle the pressure and doesn't want to make one. Tianna should have ran things by me first before she sent out invitations. She should have told people that she was doing this. " So of course, I freak out. I don't want Aunt Di (or anyone) to feel pressured to do this. Why would I want that? I called and left a message for Aunt Di saying, "you don't have to make one if you don't want to, don't worry about it, I'm sorry to have caused so much pressure. Kathie was talking with Andrea today about it and it didn't sound like you wanted to do one..." I was basically apologizing for asking her. About 4 hours later I get an email saying something like, " What a minute, what did Kathie tell you? I am fine with making a cake...its just not going to be creative. What flavor do you and Aaron like? "
My jaw drops. So it wasn't even like that, eh? This is definitely not the first time this sort of situation has come up where Kathie makes out the other person to be bad, when really, she is the manipulative one. Don't get me wrong, I love Kathie to death and would do anything for her . . . but I just can't trust her not to talk badly about me behind my back (or sometimes just whispering to others AS I'm talking).
It is just so incredibly frustrating to be with two totally different types of adults. Take my parents, for instance. I don't think I heard bad things about anyone come out of my parents mouth once. That's just not what they did. But with Kathie, she will bad talk ANYONE in front of ANYONE. Where is the respect? How am I suppose to respect you when you are talking badly to me about MY sister? Some of the things she's said made me embarrassed to be related to her. (that's how awful they were).
Sigh. I need to win the lottery of small fortunes by May 22nd. I could hook on the corner!! Am I worth $5,000? Probably not.
Oh, and sorry for semi saying the "F" word. I hate that word. Love it when others use it, but it sounds foreign coming out of my mouth.
Sometimes I just don't know what to do. If I could step back and say to her, " That's keep your money. You don't have to pay for the wedding anymore. Thank you for the offer. " I would TOTALLY do that just so I/Andrea do not have to hear about "problems" anymore. If I want to have cheddar whipped mashed potatoes at my wedding, for f**k's sake, I'm having cheddar whipped potatoes. She has an awful way of turning things into HUGE ordeals and I start stressing about it. For example:
I sent out invitations to make cakes. They went to people who I really care about and its just a really neat idea. Well, I sent one to my Aunt Diane. Kathie was over doing Yoga at Aunt Di's and one thing lead to another and they were talking about the cakes. Aunt Di had just said casually, " I am not going to be creative with it....its not going to be fancy. " Which, coming from Aunt Di, I expect. She once tried to make a chocolate cake and used Miracle Whip....I wish I was kidding. But anyhoodle, so Kathie tells Andrea later that day, " Diane is just very upset that she has to make a cake. She can't handle the pressure and doesn't want to make one. Tianna should have ran things by me first before she sent out invitations. She should have told people that she was doing this. " So of course, I freak out. I don't want Aunt Di (or anyone) to feel pressured to do this. Why would I want that? I called and left a message for Aunt Di saying, "you don't have to make one if you don't want to, don't worry about it, I'm sorry to have caused so much pressure. Kathie was talking with Andrea today about it and it didn't sound like you wanted to do one..." I was basically apologizing for asking her. About 4 hours later I get an email saying something like, " What a minute, what did Kathie tell you? I am fine with making a cake...its just not going to be creative. What flavor do you and Aaron like? "
My jaw drops. So it wasn't even like that, eh? This is definitely not the first time this sort of situation has come up where Kathie makes out the other person to be bad, when really, she is the manipulative one. Don't get me wrong, I love Kathie to death and would do anything for her . . . but I just can't trust her not to talk badly about me behind my back (or sometimes just whispering to others AS I'm talking).
It is just so incredibly frustrating to be with two totally different types of adults. Take my parents, for instance. I don't think I heard bad things about anyone come out of my parents mouth once. That's just not what they did. But with Kathie, she will bad talk ANYONE in front of ANYONE. Where is the respect? How am I suppose to respect you when you are talking badly to me about MY sister? Some of the things she's said made me embarrassed to be related to her. (that's how awful they were).
Sigh. I need to win the lottery of small fortunes by May 22nd. I could hook on the corner!! Am I worth $5,000? Probably not.
Oh, and sorry for semi saying the "F" word. I hate that word. Love it when others use it, but it sounds foreign coming out of my mouth.
Aaron's loaf
I received an invite in the mail yesterday. It's an invite to my shower!! What the!? It's real! It's really real!! I am getting married! I am beyond excited!
Its been a lazy weekend so far. We haven't really done a whole lot of anything, really. Yesterday I slept in until 11:30...Aaron until Noon. (He didn't get home from Men's Leadership until 4am. He had an excuse......I did not.) We kind of sat around until 3PM where we decided to get up and go to the grocery store for dinner. We got the fixings so that Aaron could make his Meatloaf. I.LOVE.HIS.MEATLOAF! (that's what she said) I don't even like Meatloaf...but his is fantastic. Its so moist .... I think we need to have a dinner party and Aaron can make his loaf. *drool*.
Later on we decided wording on an invite we still need to send out. Its a super cool idea and I hope people say yes to it. We're sending out invitations to people in our lives that we have a special little place for. What they're (hopefully) going to do is make a cake for us. That cake, will then be the centerpiece of the tables at the Wedding. So, each table will have a cake in the middle. Centerpiece? Check! Cake? Check! It will also be kind of a fun table project. Each table will be cutting their own cake! We'll (maybe) have instructions on the "proper" way to cut a cake so that its kind of a conversation piece.
It's snowing right now. Less than 4 days away from April, and it's snowing. Ugh. I'm tired of cold weather. I know it won't last long (blah blah blah) but I'm just antsy. I shouldn't wish everything away like I do!
Right now I am just making some breakfast and waiting to leave to go to Yoga. I figure that I can have a cinnamon roll if I'm going to go do Yoga.....right? Right?
Well, I think this is it. Rolls are almost done. I hope everyone has a fantastic week!!
Its been a lazy weekend so far. We haven't really done a whole lot of anything, really. Yesterday I slept in until 11:30...Aaron until Noon. (He didn't get home from Men's Leadership until 4am. He had an excuse......I did not.) We kind of sat around until 3PM where we decided to get up and go to the grocery store for dinner. We got the fixings so that Aaron could make his Meatloaf. I.LOVE.HIS.MEATLOAF! (that's what she said) I don't even like Meatloaf...but his is fantastic. Its so moist .... I think we need to have a dinner party and Aaron can make his loaf. *drool*.
Later on we decided wording on an invite we still need to send out. Its a super cool idea and I hope people say yes to it. We're sending out invitations to people in our lives that we have a special little place for. What they're (hopefully) going to do is make a cake for us. That cake, will then be the centerpiece of the tables at the Wedding. So, each table will have a cake in the middle. Centerpiece? Check! Cake? Check! It will also be kind of a fun table project. Each table will be cutting their own cake! We'll (maybe) have instructions on the "proper" way to cut a cake so that its kind of a conversation piece.
It's snowing right now. Less than 4 days away from April, and it's snowing. Ugh. I'm tired of cold weather. I know it won't last long (blah blah blah) but I'm just antsy. I shouldn't wish everything away like I do!
Right now I am just making some breakfast and waiting to leave to go to Yoga. I figure that I can have a cinnamon roll if I'm going to go do Yoga.....right? Right?
Well, I think this is it. Rolls are almost done. I hope everyone has a fantastic week!!
"That's ok"
Had court today....again. Same reason. Plates. I've got 60 days to figure out whatever it is that I need to figure out. I'm so frustrated by all of this I just want to scream. (Or take a nap....whatever comes first. I'm thinking the latter option).
Have you ever encountered a person who just doesn't seem to listen? Its almost as if you aren't even there? I have a person in my life like that. They shall remain nameless. (probation..blah blah blah...jk.) Anyhoodle. Its very frustrating. I could be having a conversation with them and when I try bring up a point to further the conversation, it just goes back into more of what they are talking about (which is their own self.) I've learned to just shut up and listen ... but then I find myself day dreaming since I cannot be apart of the conversation, and that's not right either. How do you deal with people like that? Am I one of those people?
Another thing that bothers me is when telling a story, someone replies back with, " That's OK, I . . . " and then they proceed to something that "tops" your story? Last night at the bar, someone was asking about my tattoo and it got to my parents and such. I told them that they have both passed away and she goes, " That's OK, I lost my parents last year " .....What is that suppose to mean? That's OK.... I'm so confused by that. Its like when talking to people like that, they are constantly thinking of how to one-up you. They're one-uppers. And it just goes in one ear, out the other. I don't even like talking to others about my parents passing away because its such a long, boring and sad story that I just try to avoid it. But to just skim over it all by saying, " That's OK .... " No, no its not. How about, " I'm so sorry to hear that. I can understand where you are coming from as I just lost my parents ...blah blah blah ". There....we don't have to go into detail about my parents while you're still acknowledging what I just said, and we get to move on and talk about you. It's that simple.
Sorry for such drab posts. I'm not normally this Debbie Downer"ish"......Oh! Another thing: People who constantly update negative things. Try updating postive things in your life and suddenly you're life doesn't seem to drab anymore. Negativity is such an ugly thing. (I know I am ugly of such a thing) Let's all be beautiful!
Have you ever encountered a person who just doesn't seem to listen? Its almost as if you aren't even there? I have a person in my life like that. They shall remain nameless. (probation..blah blah blah...jk.) Anyhoodle. Its very frustrating. I could be having a conversation with them and when I try bring up a point to further the conversation, it just goes back into more of what they are talking about (which is their own self.) I've learned to just shut up and listen ... but then I find myself day dreaming since I cannot be apart of the conversation, and that's not right either. How do you deal with people like that? Am I one of those people?
Another thing that bothers me is when telling a story, someone replies back with, " That's OK, I . . . " and then they proceed to something that "tops" your story? Last night at the bar, someone was asking about my tattoo and it got to my parents and such. I told them that they have both passed away and she goes, " That's OK, I lost my parents last year " .....What is that suppose to mean? That's OK.... I'm so confused by that. Its like when talking to people like that, they are constantly thinking of how to one-up you. They're one-uppers. And it just goes in one ear, out the other. I don't even like talking to others about my parents passing away because its such a long, boring and sad story that I just try to avoid it. But to just skim over it all by saying, " That's OK .... " No, no its not. How about, " I'm so sorry to hear that. I can understand where you are coming from as I just lost my parents ...blah blah blah ". There....we don't have to go into detail about my parents while you're still acknowledging what I just said, and we get to move on and talk about you. It's that simple.
Sorry for such drab posts. I'm not normally this Debbie Downer"ish"......Oh! Another thing: People who constantly update negative things. Try updating postive things in your life and suddenly you're life doesn't seem to drab anymore. Negativity is such an ugly thing. (I know I am ugly of such a thing) Let's all be beautiful!
That's it!!!

That doesn't look very attractive, does it? I don't think so and I am a smoker...but not for long. With the prices going up so much, its hard to continue to be a smoker. I heard today that someone bought a pack of Marb Lights for $7.00!! And the only thing I could think of when I heard that was, " Thank GOD! " I don't like smoking. I really don't. Its just a habit now. But I think its time to bite the bullet and stop. I have one pack left and I think I am done after that. I am scared to go buy the patch because of the price, though. Weird to think that $20 to stop smoking is holding me back when I spend that in cigarettes in about 3 1/2 days. Ugh. Its time, though.
Its time.
CHI Town weekend
We had a great weekend! It started off with going to Chicago on Friday. It was a long day from the start, but it was fantastic. I had a meeting at the hotel at 1:30 that lasted until 3PM, so I drove Andrea to work (6:30am!!!! And I went to bed at 2am!!), came home, got my hair cut, worked out, got ready for a meeting at work, and then picked her up at 2:30PM. We drove home and while she was doing her workout, I got ready. We were planning on taking the 5:51PM train out of Kenosha to Chicago, but we missed the train by literally 2 minutes. Who knew the train was on time? We were pretty defeated at this point. Thank GOD Andrea called Lori/Tim to see where the next train stop was to see if we were able to catch another train. ("You do have the Internet, don't you?" Hahaha!). We were able to catch another train about 30 minutes away in Waukegan, IL...but we got lost trying to find it and barely made it. We sat down on the train about about a minute and a half later we were moving. Phew. I did not want to have to keep on chasing trains (literally...we ran to both trains).
We got in and Lori and Tim picked us up. We headed to Tim's place where we ordered in food (best chicken Alfredo I've ever had!!) and we headed to Frank's to finish off the evening with some beverages. It was such a fun night and I cannot wait to head back down there. The neighborhood where Tim lives is SO.CUTE. I love it!!!
We awoke the next morning around 9am and sat around watching TV and chatting. We were pretty hungry so Lori and Tim took Andrea and I to a Crepes place, again, not too far from Tim's place. IT.WAS.DELICIOUS. I had a Kiwi and Strawberry Crepe lined with Nutella and I am actually salivating thinking about it!! YUM!!!
After brunch, Lori and Tim drop us off at the train station. I must say, it was perfect timing, too. We didn't have to wait more than 5 minutes for the train to be in motion. We got home around 4PM and relaxed pretty much the rest of the night. Aaron and I made some Beef Stronganoff (It was so good!) and we were in bed by 10PM. I was pretty pooped from the previous day.
Yesterday was the usual. Andrea and I do yoga at our Aunt Diane's place at 10:30. After that, we come home and do our Sunday cleaning and chilled out until it was Oscar time. Diane invited us back over to her house to watch the Oscars. We had a great time as Aunt Di is probably one of the funniest people I know!
That pretty much sums up the weekend in a nutshell! Had a great time and I can't wait to do it again!!!
We got in and Lori and Tim picked us up. We headed to Tim's place where we ordered in food (best chicken Alfredo I've ever had!!) and we headed to Frank's to finish off the evening with some beverages. It was such a fun night and I cannot wait to head back down there. The neighborhood where Tim lives is SO.CUTE. I love it!!!
We awoke the next morning around 9am and sat around watching TV and chatting. We were pretty hungry so Lori and Tim took Andrea and I to a Crepes place, again, not too far from Tim's place. IT.WAS.DELICIOUS. I had a Kiwi and Strawberry Crepe lined with Nutella and I am actually salivating thinking about it!! YUM!!!
After brunch, Lori and Tim drop us off at the train station. I must say, it was perfect timing, too. We didn't have to wait more than 5 minutes for the train to be in motion. We got home around 4PM and relaxed pretty much the rest of the night. Aaron and I made some Beef Stronganoff (It was so good!) and we were in bed by 10PM. I was pretty pooped from the previous day.
Yesterday was the usual. Andrea and I do yoga at our Aunt Diane's place at 10:30. After that, we come home and do our Sunday cleaning and chilled out until it was Oscar time. Diane invited us back over to her house to watch the Oscars. We had a great time as Aunt Di is probably one of the funniest people I know!
That pretty much sums up the weekend in a nutshell! Had a great time and I can't wait to do it again!!!
Here we go.
Aaron and I pick up Andrea from work today around 3:30. As we were going to go meet with the lawyer, Andrea starts a fire "somewhere" on her...she wasn't quite sure what happened...but it was pretty funny. " It's burning!!! It's HOT!! " I could not help but laugh. This is the second time she's burned herself in the car and had to pull over.
We go into The Center of Peace (in the GHETTO!). We sign up to meet with the lawyer, as it is a first come, first serve basis. We waited about an hour or so to talk to "him" (I forget his name...Actually, I don't think he really even said it.). We get in there and we are accompanied by two Law students from Marquette. After a couple questions, I explain my problem. The lawyer pompously says, " What you need to do is just have GMAC sign the back of your title to transfer it over to you. ".......FOR.EFFING.REAL!?!?! That is ALL I need to do?
So I've spent the better part of a year trying to register my plates....sending papers in, calling everyone I can think of, when all I needed was to have them sign the back of the title transferring it to me? I feel ashamed, actually. But if this is all I needed to do, why did GMAC never....EVER...say anything about this? I am going to call them tomorrow to see if this is what they need. If it is, they are going to hear it from me. I have raised my voice to them in the past, and I will do it again.
Ok. Perhaps I didn't raise my voice. But I did have a customer service agent flat out lie to me and I called him on it. It was pretty victorious for me.
But, on a lighter note, I did get my rings back from Ultra today so I am currently wearing my wedding bands....tee-hee. I know I shouldn't wear them until "the day", but they're so pretty!! I have a lot of sparkles on my finger and I like it! (I sound like a child...."sparkles")
***And I just want to point out the main picture on my blog right now is how I feel towards GMAC right now. I will use that picture for motivation while calling them tomorrow.
Aaron and I pick up Andrea from work today around 3:30. As we were going to go meet with the lawyer, Andrea starts a fire "somewhere" on her...she wasn't quite sure what happened...but it was pretty funny. " It's burning!!! It's HOT!! " I could not help but laugh. This is the second time she's burned herself in the car and had to pull over.
We go into The Center of Peace (in the GHETTO!). We sign up to meet with the lawyer, as it is a first come, first serve basis. We waited about an hour or so to talk to "him" (I forget his name...Actually, I don't think he really even said it.). We get in there and we are accompanied by two Law students from Marquette. After a couple questions, I explain my problem. The lawyer pompously says, " What you need to do is just have GMAC sign the back of your title to transfer it over to you. ".......FOR.EFFING.REAL!?!?! That is ALL I need to do?
So I've spent the better part of a year trying to register my plates....sending papers in, calling everyone I can think of, when all I needed was to have them sign the back of the title transferring it to me? I feel ashamed, actually. But if this is all I needed to do, why did GMAC never....EVER...say anything about this? I am going to call them tomorrow to see if this is what they need. If it is, they are going to hear it from me. I have raised my voice to them in the past, and I will do it again.
Ok. Perhaps I didn't raise my voice. But I did have a customer service agent flat out lie to me and I called him on it. It was pretty victorious for me.
But, on a lighter note, I did get my rings back from Ultra today so I am currently wearing my wedding bands....tee-hee. I know I shouldn't wear them until "the day", but they're so pretty!! I have a lot of sparkles on my finger and I like it! (I sound like a child...."sparkles")
***And I just want to point out the main picture on my blog right now is how I feel towards GMAC right now. I will use that picture for motivation while calling them tomorrow.
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