The first night (last night) was pretty much getting to know where things are. Much appreciated. I also learned how to use a touch screen register!!! (have always wanted to use one of those). Everything went along really smooth and I felt really comfortable being there. The two guys who are training me have been there 3 years. So its nice to have someone who knows what they're doing do it. But what bugs me about one of the guys is that he just basically came right out and said, " Do as I say...not as I do. " Which I think is just poor leadership. Anyhoo, different day, different blog. But other than that, everyone there is uber nice! I think I'll like it there a lot. that's not a proper blog. SO much more happened in that time frame than just that...but I fail to complete trains of thought. I had planned on making this a long blog, but just that came out? I managed to put two days (15 hours of training) into a paragraph. Whats up with that? Let me try again:
Training? Blah. Money? Yay!
What the!? It just got shorter! le sigh.
Whatever. I'm just not meant to be a blogger, I guess.
Oh! One thing I "L, O, L, O, L O LO V E" about working at the Double Tree is the fact that I don't have to park my own car. EMPLOYEES HAVE VALET PARKING!!!! Funny thing happened today when I gave my ticket to the valet parking dude....he brings out a different car. Now, my car is a newer car ....but the car that he (valet parking dude) brought was a few pot holes away from falling apart. They honk the horns as they are bringing around the cars and I was thinking, " Hrm...that horn is pretty husky sounding ..." But didn't think much of it. Valet parking dude's face as he's pulling up is pretty much saying, " Crap. Not your car? " He gets out and says, " This isn't your car, is it? " Sure isn't. So he brings me into their office and says, " What keys are yours? " What the!?!?!?!? There are about a million and eight different keys hanging on the wall! How am I suppose to pick them out!? Luckily I can hear my keys from a mile away. I have a RENT key chain that clanks pretty loudly if even looked at the wrong way. So here I am running my hands over every key chain on the wall. *sigh* But I did notice that myhorn is pretty whimpy sounding. Perhaps I can work with my car on "beefing" it up a bit.
What the!? It just got shorter! le sigh.
Whatever. I'm just not meant to be a blogger, I guess.
Oh! One thing I "L, O, L, O, L O LO V E" about working at the Double Tree is the fact that I don't have to park my own car. EMPLOYEES HAVE VALET PARKING!!!! Funny thing happened today when I gave my ticket to the valet parking dude....he brings out a different car. Now, my car is a newer car ....but the car that he (valet parking dude) brought was a few pot holes away from falling apart. They honk the horns as they are bringing around the cars and I was thinking, " Hrm...that horn is pretty husky sounding ..." But didn't think much of it. Valet parking dude's face as he's pulling up is pretty much saying, " Crap. Not your car? " He gets out and says, " This isn't your car, is it? " Sure isn't. So he brings me into their office and says, " What keys are yours? " What the!?!?!?!? There are about a million and eight different keys hanging on the wall! How am I suppose to pick them out!? Luckily I can hear my keys from a mile away. I have a RENT key chain that clanks pretty loudly if even looked at the wrong way. So here I am running my hands over every key chain on the wall. *sigh* But I did notice that myhorn is pretty whimpy sounding. Perhaps I can work with my car on "beefing" it up a bit.
Other than that, things are going alright. I just can't believe that the summer is winding down ....and so quickly. What the!? Isn't it suppose to be the 4th of July right about now? I remember in drumcorps how summers seemed to be so long. (DCM is how far away!?) Where is the slow motion button!?!??!?!!?
PS. Had a dream last night that I worked at a tanning place with Dolly Parton. (Just saw her face in the dream.) Oh, and I was living on Talmadge Street again ...but we were moving out. Odd.
WEIRD. I decided to look up "Talmadge Street Eau Claire, WI" on Google and I found the house where I used to live. How EFFFFFING weird is that!?!?!??!!?!?!?!?! (there may have been sexual relations on that front porch at one time or another while locked out of the house one afternoon)
LMAO at the teeny weeny print. HAHA! I cannot believe you guys work at the bar that used to be Fitzgerald's in the hotel that used to be the Holiday Inn. That's pretty funny, too, now that I think about it. I used to go in there ALL the time and drink because my friend Julie bartended there the summer we were 19. She eventually got fired, I think, for serving people underage and not charging for drinks... but by that time we we're friends anymore because it turned out she was c-r-a-z-y... and not in a fun Patsy Cline kind of way.
Okay... that was a really long response. Just wanted to drop by and say I hearted your blog tonight. :) I may send you a cardboard cutout of myself to sit at a barstool in the Doubletree... too wierd for your third day?
Lori, not sure if you are going to see this comment to your comment ...but here goes:
GET OUT! You used to drink there!?!?! What a small world! And please...send on over the cardboard cutout. I, if nobody else, would enjoy having conversations with you. We would have so many things that just you and I would laugh about. And then people would look at both of "us" and think, " Wow, those two are crazy...and not in a fun Patsy Cline kind of way. " So you'd better make sure you're laughing in the cut out. Perhaps I can show you a picture of what I want the cardboard cutout to be. Check next posting for picture.
Now what I would have done if I had to "pick out" my own keys... well let me tell you... I would have looked for a really really nice car!
Hahaha! I heart you so much, Aaron! Actually, tonight as I was riding in the elevator up to our apartment after work I was thinking that!! Would someone REALLY miss their Cadillac Escalade? I don't think so. =)
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