
This blog was brought to you by the letter C

*in the voice of Dr. Nick* Hey, hey, everybody!

Last day of work tomorrow. le sigh. The thing that I like about temp jobs is the fact that they are temporary. I need new things to spark my attention all the time. But the bad part, of course, is that they are temporary. I don't really know how to "work" with the temp agency and see if they have another job lined up for me. But I have sent out resumes online almost everyday and I've only heard back from one. double le sigh.

Man this weather is HOT HOT HOT! Its not so much the heat but the humidity. I can take the dry head of out West any day (Vegas...anyone up?) but this effing humidity!! It's driving me (read: my hair) nuts!

Weirdest thing happened to a lady at work last night. Around midnight she got a call on her cellphone. She ignored it and went back to sleep. She listened to the voicemail this morning and much to her shock, it was of a shooting. Apparently it sounded like a bunch of people and she could pick out one of them saying, " He's really upset ......" And then she heard two gun shots. She was going to call the police today...but I don't know if she did. How strange is that?

Well, I think that is all I am going to "blog" about right now. Andrea's plane gets in from Paris around 7PM and we're going to meet up over at Kathie's. Can't wait to see pictures!!!

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