I'm not going to write some long, weepy blog about how much I feel my family has been wronged about my Dad's death. So I shall take a cue from Andrea . . . .
Three years ago today (October 29th, 2004), my father passed away. Sad as it was, it wouldn't have lead me to where I am today. Not that my life is any better or worse than it was then, but I'm here aren't I?
I never wanted to ever live in Milwaukee (or surrounding areas). Moving down here was almost a constant reminder of WHY I was here. But I didn't get real comfortable living here until August of last year. I had taken a vacation with all my stuff (ha.), and realized what I had down here. I have family down here. I have a place I can always run to when I want to feel comfort. I have my life here. I wanted to escape this area because I felt that there was nothing left for me here. But I was SO wrong.

I firmly believe that everything in life happens for a reason. While I don't want to agree with that reasoning 100% of the time...I still think it rings true. There is something to be taken away from every situation. Whether the lesson shows its face 1 year, 5 years, or 10 years down the line...something is to be learned from three years ago today. Now I don't know what the lesson is just yet...or maybe I have learned from it already, but whatever it is, its only for the better.
But I still miss him terribly, as anyone would. I get glimpses of him through other males all the time. (Sounds strange, I know) It could be a gesture, a sound, a laugh, a point ...whatever it is. Since I can't have him, I am happy to see him through other people. Perhaps that's the "big man upstairs" way of still letting me see/remember him.
Three years? It seems completely impossible. Sigh. I miss you.
very good blog congratulations
regard from Catalonia Spain
thank you
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