More and more lately I am finding the urge to quit smoking. Until not too recently, I've never really wanted to quit. I understood/understand that smoking is not good for you (how many times has everyone on the planet heard this?) But when does it really start to sink in?
For the past week or so, I've been picturing my life without the addiction. I am fearful of putting on weight (lame excuse, I know) and I'm also fearful of going out to a bar and drinking. While I rarely go out, I can see how I would light up while drinking and try to justify it. I'm not good with addictions and I seem to find the ones that are most detrimental to my health.
I also see that both my parents smoked. While I can only remember seeing my Dad smoke once, it echos through my head. I'm super glad they quit (they just don't seem to be the type of people who were smokers?) ....but I can't help but wonder if it was something I unconsciously picked up when I was younger?
While I was working at Disney, I had stopped for three days. (I did put "quit" instead of stopped, but that wouldn't be correct). One of the guys who lived upstairs from me said his Mom gave him a bunch of patches so that he could stop smoking. Didn't work for him, but it did for me! I didn't have an urge to smoke at all. I started up again because I was just bored. I lived with three Mormons. Enough said.
I guess the next step is figuring out how I want to go about this. I took a quiz online and this is what it said:
You do not have a strong physical dependence on nicotine, so you could consider quitting cold turkey—or without a medication to help you manage withdrawal symptoms. You can pick a day convenient for you to stop smoking on your own. Even without a physical need, you could still have strong urges to smoke. That’s because smoking is both an addiction and a habit.
I know you can quit smoking if you try... but it is going to be super-hard. :(
I have an idea: move to Seattle where you can't smoke in bars; that will help! :)
Honestly, though, you can do anything you put your mind to, I know it.
"Put your mind to it, go for it, get down and break a sweat...rock'n'roll, you ain't seen nothing yet! Get down and go for it!"
-Ice Cream Sundae
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