Seriously one of those days.
I was driving to work today on the interstate. I was just minding my business merging over to the far right lane (I am not the speediest of drivers..moving over to the far right lane is a common thing I do) and all of a sudden I hear shattering.
I look over and my right side passenger window is shattered. I don't know how it happened! I freaked out and pulled over to a gas station and called Andrea. She came to help me clean it up and get it to a window place....but seriously. What happened!?!?!?!?!
It just seems that when things are going well for awhile, all must come to a vicious end. I know its the circle of life and we ALL have to go through ups and downs. I get it. But stuff like this I cannot afford. I'm broke. I'm moving soon into an apartment and need to save all my earnings (who says earnings?) and now I have to pay $200 to get my window fixed. What the?
Perhaps this just means some really great days will be approaching!!! =)
Sorry about your car window.
:( Really seems weird that it just shattered like that. I'll send good thoughts your way for some really good things to happen to you!!
T, you seriously have the weirdest, freakiest bad luck I've ever heard of. *sigh* I'm so glad you weren't hurt!!
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